Jamie Oliver, aka the Naked Chef, has been turned into a toon by Aardman Animations, who are launching a new series in partnership with Oliver's Fresh One Prods. Aimed at seven- to 11-year olds, LITTLE J will follow the 10-year-old Oliver as he tries to discover the secret to becoming a great chef. No broadcaster has signed on yet to the 52x11 series.
Featuring such peculiar characters as a depressed ham and a mad scientist named Eggs Benedict who wears a chicken on his head, LITTLE J is directed by Tom Parkinson, produced by Helen Brunsdon and exec produced by Miles Bullough. Jamie Oliver and Zoe Collins of Fresh One will both serve as exec producers.
"We were thrilled when Jamie approached us to collaborate on an animated project," said Miles Bullough, head of broadcast and development at Aardman. "We quickly agreed that we needed to make a show that was first and foremost a comedy, which would hopefully inspire kids to think positively about good food, even brussel sprouts."