Activision, Inc., in collaboration with Disney Interactive, Inc., has released a game based on Walt Disney Pictures' and Pixar Animation Studio's computer-generated animated film, A BUG'S LIFE, for the Nintendo 64 game console. A BUG'S LIFE lets players run, fly and slide through an interactive journey. In the game players take on the role of the film's hero, Flik, an inventive but occasionally over-enthusiastic ant, who enlists a group of flea circus bugs to help him in his quest to save his colony from the hands of the villainous Hopper and his legion of grasshoppers. The game lets players journey through, fully-interactive 3D worlds that are brought to life through cinematic quality animations and ultra smooth game controls. A BUG'S LIFE challenges players to navigate through 15 dynamic levels and plush environments as they solve puzzles in order to defeat an array of bug enemies. During the course of their journey, players interact with a multitude of characters - both good and evil - from the feature animated film, including such favorites as Heimlich, Francis and Hopper. Many of the feature film's original voice talent enhance the overall gaming experience. Suggested retail price is $59.95.