Adobe announces Photoshop 5.5 and LE

Adobe has announced Adobe Photoshop 5.5 and Adobe Photoshop Limited Edition (LE) software. Photoshop LE offers tools for correcting and enhancing photos, compositing multiple images, creating original artwork with a variety of special effects, and outputting to desktop printers and common Web file formats. For graphics professionals, Adobe Photoshop 5.5 software provides additional precision and control, broader color mode support, and dynamic Web capabilities. The advanced Photoshop 5.5 features are supplemented by productivity enhancements such as the Actions palette for automated editing and the History palette for undoing multiple edits. Adobe Photoshop LE also features tight integration with the complete family of Adobe products including Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Premiere. Adobe Photoshop LE is expected to ship in July for an estimated street price of US$99 through retail outlets and the Web. In North America, customers who purchase and use Photoshop LE can upgrade to the full version of Adobe Photoshop 5.5 for an estimated price of US$499. Registered Adobe PhotoDeluxe users can upgrade to Adobe Photoshop LE for US$79 direct from Adobe. Adobe Photoshop 5.5 is expected to ship in July for an estimated street price of US$609.