The Oscar-winning ‘Finding Nemo’ and ‘WALL-E’ director set to helm upcoming drama, written by Colby Day, that will span the history of Earth and focus on three intersecting storylines to explore life, love, hope, and connection.
Blink will span the history of the Earth and focus on three intersecting storylines to explore life, love, hope, and connection. Stanton seems the perfect fit for subject matter so expansive, as his work is known for its epic scope.
Day is set to executive produce, while Jared Ian Goldman (Ingrid Goes West, Russian Doll) will produce. Searchlight’s Senior Vice President for production Taylor Friedman and Creative Executive Apolline Berty will oversee the project.
Stanton previously won Oscars for both WALL-E and Finding Nemo in the animated feature category and was nominated for his writing. He first ventured into live-action filmmaking with John Carter (2012); recent small screen work includes Stranger Things, Better Call Saul, and For All Mankind.
No word yet on who will handle the VFX, which will almost certainly be of epic proportions.