Anima 2005, the 24th Animation Festival drew to a close on February 13, 2005, in Brussels with an awards ceremony for Anima 2005's national and international competition. The award winners were chosen by the public, via attendance and voting at the official competition screenings and there were juried categories.
With 13 feature films in competition, Anima reflected Europes important role the boom in animated films.
Anima 2005 Feature Film Grand PrixRENART, THE FOX by Thierry Schiel (Luxembourg)
Prix Be TV Feature Film Prize TOKYO GODFATHERS by Satoshi Kon (Japan).
Grand Prix Anima 2005 for Best Animated Short, student categoryZASUKANEC by Spela Cadez (Germany)
Grand Prix Anima 2005 for Best Animated Short, childrens' categoryVIAJE A MARTE by Juan Pablo Zaramella (Argentina)
Grand Prix Anima 2005 Best Animated Short, Professional Films categoryLA RÉVOLUTION DES CRABES by Arthur de Pins (France)
The official Belgian jury was comprised of Carine Ermans (Belgium), artistic director Théâtre du Tilleul, Viviane Vanfleteren (Belgium), producer at Vivifilm, Serge Bromberg (France), founder of Lobster films and artistic director, Annecy Festival, Paul Driessen (Holland), director Benoît Feroumont (Belgium), animator and director. The jury awarded the following prizes:
Jury special mentionMAX ENTRE CIEL ET TERRE (MAX BETWEEN SKY AND EARTH) by Jean Luc Slock
Grand Prix du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles Capitale, awarded 3,000 EurosVOER VOOR KRANKEN by Thijs De Cloedt
Grand Prix de la Communauté française, awarded 2,500 EurosLA POUPÉE CASSÉE by Louise Marie Colon
Prix de la SACD, awarded 2,000 EurosFLATLIFE by Jonas Geirnaert
Prix de la Sabam, Promotion artistique Belge awarded 2,000 EurosFOOD by Maya Gouby
Audiences at the "C'est du belge" screenings chose the film FLATLIFE by Jonas Geirnaert.
Anima 2005's nominees for the Cartoon d'Or were Jonas Geirnaert's FLATLIFE (Belgium), Maya Gouby's FOOD (Belgium), Louise Marie Colon's LA POUPÉE CASSÉE (Belgium), Thijs De Cloedt's VOER VOOR KRANKEN (Belgium) and Spela Cadez's ZASUKANEC (Germany).
The festival's partners awarded the following prizes:
Be TV Awards, awarded 1,500 Euros, including acquisition of broadcast rightsIL PLEUT BERGÈRE by Jeremy Depuydt
RTBF Award, including acquisition of broadcast rightsTANGO NERO by Delphine Renard
Canvas Award, including acquisition of broadcast rights for VRTTRUE FRIENDS by Jelle de Beule
Prix Cinergie, including creation of electronic presskitHOME SWEET GNOME by Marie Laure Guisset
The numerous events offered included activities for children, lectures, high-level masterclasses, special programs and retrospectives. Anima 2006 will take place in Brussels from Feb. 23-March 5 2006. For more information, visit