Animated Com Award 2012 Shortlist Announced

The shortlist for the Animated Com Award, at the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film, has been announced.

Press release from the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film:

Stuttgart – The Animated Com Awared comprises prizes that the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film presents every year in the field of applied animation for the best advertising, communication in space and technology. This year the award is sponsored by the Fraunhofer Institut, Mackevision Medien Design GmbH, KSPG AG and Daimler AG. The ACA’s trendsetting concept attracts more top-class productions from these fields every year. The jury has now selected 15 first class films for this year’s shortlist from 100 international submissions (to the shortlist).

The selection reflects the diverse spectrum of applied animation: the range includes everything from spots for well-known brands such as Red Bull or Jack Daniels, image films for non-profit organisations such as Amnesty International and the opening credits for a brand new SWR series to innovative concepts from the field of communication in space.

For Suzi an exotic bike ride ends at McDonald’s in "Suzi Van Zoom", "Clover: The way better" tells a colourful bedtime story with milk products and Stuttgart-based Atelier Brückner will be showing its "Magic Box – State Grid Pavillon" installation designed for the Expo in Shanghai. The animated bags in "FREITAG Stop motion How-to Movies" by the FREITAG are competing for the coveted Animated Fashion Award, which the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film is presenting for the first time this year, in co-operation with Breuninger, the renowned fashion house.

The exclusive Gala for the award ceremony of the ANIMATED COM AWARD is to be held during the 19th Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (May 08 – May 13, 2012) on May 11 at the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart.

This year the partners of the ANIMATED COM AWARD are the Fraunhofer Institut, Daimler AG, the Art Directors Club Germany, Mackevision Medien Design GmbH, KSPG AG, ILG Außenwerbung GmbH+Co. KG, the SSB, Atelier Brückner, Meckatzer Löwenbräu, Silkroad, bilekjaeger, Tamschick Media+space, Festo and the ICT AG. More information about the competition can be found here.

The complete programme of the 19. Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film, pictures and film stills can be found on our Homepage.

We would be delighted to welcome you at the 19. Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film. Accreditation for the press is free until April 23, 2012! Book your accreditation online in our Animation-Shop.
