The classic anime flick, VAMPIRE HUNTER D's special edition will be descending on DVD. The film takes place in the year 12,090 AD where a lone warrior named D fights to destroy Earth's ruthless vampire feudal system. The DVD will feature a never before seen "Making of VAMPIRE HUNTER D," a sneak peek at the forthcoming video game, the theatrical trailer to the 2000 remake of VAMPIRE HUNTER D and an original artwork gallery. Listed as one of the top five best-selling anime titles of all-time, the VAMPIRE HUNTER D DVD will sell for US$29.95 in both English dubbed and English subtitled versions starting October 17, 2000. The HUNTER D special edition was released on VHS in January 2000.
Read Animation World Magazine's article from Fred Patten on anime features which includes a clip from the new 2000 remake of VAMPIRE HUNTER D.