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Annecy 2022 Official Short Film Selections Announced

Out of 1,347 short film submissions from 100 countries, 38 films were chosen to compete in the ‘Official’ category, 8 films were selected in the ‘Off-Limits’ category, 17 in the ‘Perspectives’ section, and nine in the ‘Young Audience’ section; the Annecy Festival runs June 13-18.

The Annecy Festival has announced its short film selections for this year’s event taking place June 13-18. Over 1,347 short films were submitted from 100 countries, with male and female directors equally represented. In addition to the 38 selections in the “Official” competition category, eight films were selected in the “Off-Limits” category, 17 in the “Perspectives” section and nine in the “Young Audience” section.

‘Amok’ by Balazs Turai

Check out the “Official” Competition selections:

  • Amok - Directed by Balazs Turai (Hungary, Romania)
  • Anxious Body - Directed by Yoriko Mizushiri (France, Japan)
  • Babicino seksualno zivljenje - Directed by Urska Djukic and Emilie Pigeard (France, Slovenia)
  • Backflip - Directed by Nikita Diakur (Germany, France)
  • Beware of Trains - Directed by Emma Calder (United Kingdom)
  • Bird in the Peninsula - Directed by Atsushi Wada (France, Japan)
  • Black Slide - Directed by Uri Lotan (Israel, United Kingdom)

‘Black Slide’ by Uri Lotan

  • Bottle Cap - Directed by Marie Hyon and Marco Spier (USA)
  • Deux sœurs - Directed by Anna Budanova (France)
  • Drone - Directed by Sean Buckelew (USA)
  • Garrano - Directed by David Doutel and Vasco Sá (Portugal, Lithuania)
  • Glazing - Directed by Lilli Carré (USA)
  • Histoire pour 2 trompettes - Directed by Amandine Meyer (France)
  • Honekami - Directed by Honami Yano (Japan)
  • Hysteresis - Directed by Robert Seidel (Germany)
  • Krasue - Directed by Ryo Hirano (Japan)

‘Drone’ by Sean Buckelew

  • La Passante - Directed by Hannah Letaïf (Belgium, France)
  • Lakkeh - Directed by Shiva Sadegh Asadi (Iran)
  • Les Liaisons foireuses -Directed by Violette Delvoye and Chloé Alliez (Belgium, France)
  • Letter to a Pig - Directed by Tal Kantor (France, Israel)
  • Louis I. Roi des moutons - Directed by Markus Wulf (Germany)
  • Lucky Man - Directed by Claude Luyet (Switzerland)
  • Lullaby - Directed by Lin Zhang and Qinnan Li (China)
  • Miracasas - Directed by Raphaelle Stolz (France, Switzerland)
  • O Homem do Lixo - Directed by Laura Gonçalves (Portugal)
  • Of Wood - Directed by Owen Klatte (USA)

‘Honekami’ by Honami Yano

  • Pachyderme - Directed by Stéphanie Clément (France)
  • Scale - Directed by Joseph Pierce (France, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Belgium)
  • Sprite Fright -Directed by Matthew Luhn and Hjalti Hjalmarsson (Netherlands)
  • Steakhouse - Directed by Spela Cadez (Slovenia, Germany, France)
  • Taaskohtumine - Directed by Ülo Pikkov (Estonia)
  • Terra incognita - Directed by Pernille M. A. Kjaer and Adrian Dexter (Denmark, France)
  • The Debutante - Directed by Elizabeth Hobbs (United Kingdom)
  • The Flying Sailor - Directed by Amanda Forbis and Wendy Tilby (Canada)
  • The Invention of Less - Directed by Noah Erni (Switzerland)
  • The Record - Directed by Jonathan Laskar (Switzerland)
  • Things that Disappear - Directed by Changsoo Kim (South Korea)
  • Yugo - Directed by Carlos Gomez Salamanca (Colombia, France)

A complete list of all short film selection categories is available here.

Source: Annecy 2022

Debbie Diamond Sarto's picture

Debbie Diamond Sarto is news editor at Animation World Network.