Antefilms Production has announced that it has acquired France Animation, which was previously a Wanadoo subsidiary. Each company will retain its individual identity, but the deal will allow France Animation to ramp up its production line and merges two of Europes largest animation libraries of more than 1,600 half-hours. As part of the deal, Antefilms gains France Animations established marketing and licensing prowess.
Founded in 1984, France Animation is a senior producer and distributor of youth programs in France. It has worldwide recognition for its development, adaptation and production of successful proprieties such as TITEUF for television broadcast, video, DVD and various other products. TITEUF has been licensed to McDonald's, Danone and Cadbury. TITEUF is also being marketed in Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance and Atari/Infogrames' multiplatform games. The television series is now broadcast in 35 territories. France Animation also produces LITTLE VAMPIRE, adapted from Joann Sfarr's comic books; SPACE LUNIES; and DR. DOG based on Babette Cole's best-selling book.
Antefilms Production, launched in 1990 by Christophe di Sabatino and Benoît di Sabatino, also owns Antefilms Studio, a 3D animation and motion-capture studio, located in Angoulême. For more information, visit