* Sunday, December 19 - Monday, December 20, 1999. Turin, Italy.
ASIFA Italia, with the help of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, theRegione Piemonte and the Comune di Torino, together with the support ofYoung Artists Circle and the British Council and Pro-Helvetia, isorganizing a meeting with a series of films on the subject of "Art &Animation". The meeting aims to heighten awareness of animation as an artform with a particular stress on independent short films of research,experimentation and artistic expression. The event is made of theoreticalround-tables, talks, discussions on the subject, reports and conferenceswith film projections and meetings with artists. For more informationcontact ASIFA Italia, Torino at Tel.: ++39 11 8997339; Fax: ++39 118997169; or E-mail: asifaita@tin.it.