Taiwan International Children's TV & Film FestivalTaipei, TaiwanJanuary 9 - 13, 2004Deadline: August 31, 2003
Taiwan International Children's TV & Film Festival (TICTFF) is Asia's first-ever International Children's TV & Film Festival. The festival will feature screenings, seminars and workshops, in addition to awards for dramatic feature, documentary, animation and television program. Winners will receive up to $27,000. The festivals categories include Dramatic Feature, Documentary, Animation and Television Program. For more information contact the festival coordinator Chia Fang (Frances) Tsai at Tel: +886-2-2630-1125, Fax: +886-2-2630-1152, E-mail: rnd70015@mail.pts.org.tw(link sends e-mail) or visit Web: http://www.tictff.org.tw/e_d.htm.