ASIFA Italy presents Art and Animation meetings.

December 19-20, 1999, ASIFA Italia, with the help of the Ministry ofCultural Affairs, the Regione Piemonte and the Comune di Torino, togetherwith the support of Young Artists Circle and the British Council andPro-Helvetia, is organizing a meeting and a series of films on the subjectof "Art & Animation" in Turin, Italy. The meeting aims to heightenawareness of animation as an art form with a particular stress onindependent research, experimental and artistic short films. The event ismade up of theoretical round-tables and discussions on the subject, reportsand conferences with film projections and meetings with artists. Theprogram includes a tribute to veteran Italian animators Gianini andLuzzati; a selection of short films produced by the Royal College of Arts,presented by Ruth Lingford, filmmaker and teacher at the school; a programof shorts by Swiss animator Georges Schwizgebel; and the presentation of aninternational selection of independent contemporary short films, with filmsby George Dunning, Petra Freeman, Alison Hempstock, Barbel Neubauer,Michaela Pavlatova, Simon Pummell, Erica Russell, Raoul Servais, JanSvankmajer, Gianluigi Toccafondo, Solveig Von Kleist and Kirsten Winter.Artists Enzo D'Alò, Alberto D'Amico, Roberto Catani, Giulio Gianini,Vincenzo Gioanola, Ruth Lingford, Leonardo Carrano, and Georges Schwizgebelwill attend the event. For more information, visit the ASIFA Italy web site.
