Atomic Re-Generates its Website

Atomic Cartoons has retooled its original all Flash Website, "We figured it was time to update our already extremely successful Website, so we went for a total redo. I think it is a cleaner, easier to navigate site now," said Atomic ceo Trevor Bentley.

"We decided to get rid of any unnecessary bells and whistles and replaced them with more high-quality sample artwork and animation," said webmaster/Flash director, Ridd Sorensen. He said they revised the business content of the site to better relay Atomic Cartoons' services. "Now, when potential clients visit our site, it will be very easy for them to find information about Atomic and the many different kinds of services we offer, without sacrificing any of the eye candy that made our previous site so enjoyable to all animation fans," Sorensen continued. "Using Flash exclusively, we set out to create an intuitive and easy to navigate Website with something for everyone, and a few hidden surprises as well."

Established in 1999, Atomic Cartoons ( is a full service, animation production studio. It also specializes in content creation and development as well as streaming and broadcast Flash animation. Atomics service credits include episodes of BRACE FACE, GEORGE SHRINKS, 7 LITTLE MONSTERS, PELSWICK and COMMITTED.
