AtomShockwave Goes Off On A WildTangent

Multimedia graphics provider WildTangent is powering DARK ORBIT, an episodic 3D sci-fi shooter game now available on DARK ORBIT transforms the player into the sole survivor of a small mining colony, who must collect the remaining precious few resources and use them to build more firepower. During this exploration, he can also discover new technology that will upgrade his meager mining craft into a high-powered machine of mass destruction. Gamers have access to five large maps and more than a dozen weapons and missiles to research and build upgradeable modular ships. WildTangents Web Driver technology allows users to experience a CD-ROM style game on virtually any type of Internet connection and enables Web and game developers to create and deliver multimedia content via the Internet using standard scripting languages. The Web Driver software development kit enables developers to take advantage of a user's hardware acceleration to display graphically rich and highly interactive content. In doing so, Web developers can quickly develop and license premium entertainment and gaming content that scales to many users' systems, including a 56k modem. On the AtomShockwave Website, users can play the extensive demo level for free with the option to buy the remaining game levels for $19.95.
