Animation World Network is accepting resumes for a web designer position...
AWN is looking for a skilled web designer. The job description is as follows:
Help manage and maintain the entire Animation World Network website. Thisinvolves the design, layout, creation and maintenance of web pages, including creation of web graphics, animated banners and other gifs.
The job requirements are:
Macintosh expertise is a must. Knowledge of HTML, Photoshop,Quark Xpress, Adobe Freehand, Web Design and Graphic Design is alsorequired. Expertise in Fireworks or or some other animated gif buildingplatform highly recommended. Knowledge of Unix and PHP is a definite plus.Must be able to set and meet production deadlines and work onmany tasks simultaneously. Must be a self reliant, highly motivatedindividual.
For complete job information, visit AWN's Career Connections at
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.