Comedienne Ruby Wax has been signed to be the Pope's voice in POPETOWN, a star-studded animated series for the BBC's new channel BBC THREE, a digital channel aimed at young adults that will replace BBC Choice. Created by Isabelle Dubernet and Eric Furher, POPETOWN is a 10 x 24-minute sitcom about the office politics that exist in any workplace with the bizarre twist that the company is the Vatican and the CEO happens to be the Pope. BBC THREE has commissioned U.K.-based CHX Productions in association with French production company Moi J'Aime La Television to produce POPETOWN. It will be CHX's first animated series. POPETOWN centers on the long-suffering Father Nicholas played by Kevin Eldon (BRASS EYE, BIG TRAIN) and his daily struggle against the insane and chaotic bureaucracy of Popetown. Model (and former Mrs. Mick Jagger) Jerry Hall voices Sister Penelope, a fame-obsessed nun who is Popetown's gossipy TV reporter. "BBC THREE needs to be all about taking risks and POPETOWN is a risk which we hope the target demographic will appreciate," said BBC THREE controller Stuart Murphy. "It fulfills BBC THREE's commitment to originating animation, while using new and established talent in an unusual and untried environment." Ruby Wax said: "At last I am the Pope, which is only right and good." BBC THREE will launch on Sunday, February 9, 2003. POPETOWN is scheduled to debut in 2003.