CG-animated short film directed and produced by Steve Smith and designed by directorial team Mighty is based on a story by Simon Hewitt.
Beakus has announced the festival release of its new short animated film, A Little Grey.
Running just a little over five minutes, the beautifully-rendered film follows the tribulations of a grey man in a colorful world. Featuring the vocal talents of Tony Gardner (Fresh Meat) and Richard Attlee (The Archers), A Little Grey takes viewers on a journey to save a soul, traveling through bars, churches, doctor’s surgeries, tattoo parlors, and more. A collaboration between writers Simon Hewitt and Stuart Royall, and animation studios Beakus and Mighty, this is a lyrical short story about losing your spark and finding redemption.
A Little Grey started life as a script idea for a short film conceived by Hewitt, who collaborated with Stuart Royall to write the script. London commercial and broadcast animation production studio Beakus became involved, with director & producer Steve Smith honing the concept for an animated short.
Hewitt had always seen the grey world inhabited by the film’s anti-hero as synthetic yet grounded in reality, and CGI animation was clearly the best choice to provide a rich yet muted environment in which the story could best play out. Up stepped Beakus directors Mighty, who designed and built everything on-screen. Working long hours over an extended production period, the team -- lead by Laura Thomas -- crafted a beguiling story about a man who’s lost his spark, and goes looking for redemption.
Beakus also worked with sound designer Marian Mentrup to develop the claustrophobic psychological sound bed and music.