CAROL MCGOVNEY has been recruited for Vice President, U.S. Licensing &Merchandising by BKN, a US broadcast kids network. McGovney was formerlyDirector of Domestic Licensing & Promotions at the Harvey EntertainmentCompany; Director of Licensing at Leisure Concepts, Inc.; and Senior SalesManager, Licensing & Merchandising for Saban Entertainment.
NADIA NARDONNET has been promoted by BKN to be President of InternationalSales & Coproductions. She will be responsible for managing all staff andoperations of the International office, which handles worldwide televisionsales, licensing and merchandising, home video, and marketing. Previouslyto joining BKN in 1994, she was Vice President of Finance and HumanResources for France-based Eliance, a French hotel and restaurant company.Prior to that she worked at Alsys, a high-tech company which created AdaSoftware.