In collaboration with independent animation studios Oddbot, Powerhouse, Renegade, Six Point Harness and Titmouse, the two organizations are hosting an all-day virtual class headlined by award-winning director Matt Danner’s ‘Storyboarding 101;’ other lectures include ‘Storyboarding for Action’ and ‘Storyboarding for Adult Comedy.’
Black N’ Animated and Women in Animation (WIA) are joining forces, along with several top independent animation studios – Oddbot, Powerhouse, Renegade, Six Point Harness and Titmouse – to host a free, virtual storyboarding class via Zoom on Saturday, November 7 from 9:00am-4:00pm. The class is open to college-level students all the way up to working professionals, specifically to benefit people of color. The program will accept the first 250 qualified applicants and will be delivered in a format established and proven successful by Six Point Harness.
Oddbot’s Emmy Award-winning director, Matt Danner (Muppet Babies) will headline the day, lecturing on “Storyboarding 101.” He will be joined by Noelle Rafelle (DC Super Hero Girls, Captain Marvel 2), who will be lecturing on “Storyboarding for Action” and Bryan Newton (Rick and Morty, Teen Titans Go!, Tig N’ Seek), who will be lecturing on “Storyboarding for Adult Comedy.” Women in Animation will provide support for the entire event, from application processing to technology implementation to execution of the class. Brendan Burch, CEO of Six Point Harness and WIA board member, will also be on hand to guide the day.
Various storyboard tests from Oddbot, Powerhouse, Renegade, Six Point Harness and Titmouse will be provided to attendees. Finished tests can then be submitted for review to each studio, and some attendees will have the opportunity to receive one-on-one feedback from studio professionals.
“We are excited to have this opportunity to team up with WIA and these great indie studios to bring such an intensive webinar to the Black animation community,” commented Waymond Singleton and Breana Williams of Black N’ Animated. “There are a lot of young people out there who don’t know that a career in animation is within reach and this will be one of many ways we hope to begin offering insight and training to increase the number of people of color in the animation industry.”
“WIA aims to affect positive change within our industry and in the larger world through the creation of art that expresses a wider range of authentic storytelling,” added WIA president Marge Dean. “Animation can serve as the bridge to connect broader human understanding and as the channel to inspire that the fabric of all colors to be seen, the voices of all cultures to be heard; we are proud to align with Black N’ Animated in this effort.”
Application submissions can be made here and will be reviewed by the combined teams of Women in Animation and Black N’ Animated.
Source: Women in Animation