Two new lessons from noted animator and educator Larry Lauria are now on-line...
The Toon Institute joins the AWN family as an aid to students and aspiringanimators. Regardless of your level, you will enjoy the animation lessons,character designs and tips on this new web site. Hosted by Larry Lauria--award winning, former Disney animator and educator, and head of a companyspecializing in animation project development and education initiatives --the Toon Institute will present animation drawings, lessons, news andstories you can down load and apply to your animation. The first lesson,"How To Thumbnail A Scene," explains how to plan and do visual researchprior to animating a scene. The focus in on having a plan and thumbnailingout the key poses of the animation. It is a process many traditional andcomputer animators should use in their work. The second lesson, "Time ToAnimate," illustrates how to use the thumbnails from lesson one to animatea simple scene...a character jump. Step by step it shows how to key out ashort action with a character.
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