2D-animated kids series produced by German animation studio Trixter to be distributed by BRB in select European countries including Spain and Portugal, as well as Canada, Latin America, Australia and Asia.
The new season of Lilly the Witch will offer more adventures about this little girl who can travel through time and space. With a brand new design of characters and settings, audiences will now enjoy this updated and modernized image of Lilly and her friend Hector, a chubby little dragon and the caretaker of a magic book. Viewers will enjoy being transported from Egypt to China, Japan and Peru, or even to some amazing events such as the Olympic Games. They will also meet memorable characters along the way such, as Aladdin.
Targeted at ages 6 to 9, the series is produced by German animation producer Trixter in cooperation with broadcasters WDR and ORF and production companies DOR FILM in Austria and AT-Anim in Belgium.
Here is the official Synopsis:
Lilly is a little girl just like any other. One day she finds a magic book and since then the world of make-believe has become Lilly’s favorite pastime. Hector the tiny dragon, and caretaker of the book, is Lilly’s companion in all her adventures. Together they perform magic and travel to fantastic places.
Source: BRB Internacional