The beloved voice of Mrs. Potts in Disney’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and face of Jessica Fletcher of ‘Murder She Wrote’ passed away peacefully in her sleep on Tuesday; she is survived by her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
"The children of Dame Angela Lansbury are sad to announce that their mother died peacefully in her sleep at home in Los Angeles at 1:30 AM today, Tuesday, October 11, 2022, just five days shy of her 97th birthday," the family said in a statement.
Lansbury was born in 1925 to Irish actor Moyna Macgill and Britich politician Edgar Lansbury. The family fled to the United States from the U.K. in 1940 during World War II, where the teen almost immediately began acting. The talented starlet was first signed to MGM in 1942, and her first role in 1944’s Gaslight earned her an Oscar nomination, with further Oscar nods for 1945’s The Picture of Dorian Gray and 1962’s The Manchurian Candidate.
The icon is survived by her son Anthony Shaw, a writer and director, her daughter Dierdre Shaw, a restauranteur, and her son-in-law David Shaw, as well as her many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.