Buena Vista promotes Manuel Rodriguez

The president of Buena Vista Pictures Distribution, Chuck Viane, haspromoted Manuel "Rod" Rodriguez to the post of senior vice president andgeneral sales manager for Buena Vista Pictures Distribution. In his newrole, Rodriguez will be responsible for handling sales and distributionoperations throughout the United States and Canada for all motion picturesreleased under the Walt Disney, Touchstone and Hollywood Pictures banners.Rodriguez, an industry veteran who has been based at Buena Vista's Atlantaheadquarters for the past 14 years, will report directly to Viane.Commenting on the announcement, Viane said, "Rod is an outstanding choicefor the general sales manager spot because he is so highly respected by hiscolleagues and co-workers. His industry background includes top executivejobs on both the exhibition and distribution side and he is well qualifiedfor his new duties with our national operation. He is a great guy and welook forward to having him with us in California as a major player on theteam." Rodriguez joined Buena Vista Pictures Distribution in 1985 as branchmanager for the Atlanta/Charlotte office. Four years later, he was promotedto division manager for the Southeastern division, where he was responsiblefor ten major territories. He was subsequently promoted in 1989 to vicepresident, Southeastern division. He launched his industry career in 1962as a theater manager for the Atlanta-based Storey Theaters circuit. Duringhis 21-year association with that company, he worked in a variety ofcapacities and ultimately held the post of executive vice president/seniorfilm buyer. A native of Havana, Cuba, Rodriguez came to the United Statesin 1957.