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CalArts 2015 Film/Video Showcase Kicks off April 25

Screening series showcases juried selection of new short and feature-length films by students in the four CalArts School of Film/Video programs.

CalArts School of Film/Video is set to present the 2015 edition of its Film/Video Showcase screening series, with events taking place Saturday, April 25 through Friday, May 15.

A juried selection of special screenings that feature new short and feature-length films by students in its four programs -- a culmination of hard work and dedication throughout the year -- all screenings are free and open to the public. Most programs will be held either on the CalArts campus or at REDCAT (Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater) in Downtown Los Angeles. 

Check out the full schedule, below, and take a look at some of the films from previous years here, here and here.

Character Animation Open Show
Saturday, April 25 at 11 am in the Main Gallery at CalArts

Film Directing Program + Program in Film and Video (Long Form Screening)
Tuesday, May 5 at 8 pm at REDCAT

Experimental Animation Program
Thursday, April 30 at 8 pm at REDCAT

Film Directing Program
Friday, May 1 at 8 pm at REDCAT

Program in Film and Video
Saturday, May 2 at 7 pm at REDCAT

Character Animation Producer's Show
Wednesday, May 6
Limited seating and reservations are required. Please contact (link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail) or call Martha Baxton at 661-253-7818 for more information.

CIA Immersion Group
Friday, May 8 at 8 and 10 pm at Los Angeles Center Studios
Saturday, May 9 at 8 and 10 pm at Los Angeles Center Studios
Bring your own pillow (BYOP). Reservations required.

Bijou Festival (Student works from all School of Film/Video programs)
May 11-15 in the Bijou Theater at CalArts

Source: CalArts School of Film/Video

Jennifer Wolfe's picture

Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.