The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF), in association with CARTOON, announced today that the first-ever CARTOON event in North America, Cartoon Connection Canada-EU, will be at TAC, the Festival’s animation business conference.
Press Release from Ottawa International Animation Festival
Ottawa, Ontario (August 5, 2010)--The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF), in association with CARTOON, announced today that the first-ever CARTOON event in North America, Cartoon Connection Canada-EU, will be at TAC, the Festival’s animation business conference. From October 18 to 20, 2010, Cartoon Connection will provide a forum for animation professionals to discuss the best ways to boost the trade of productions between Europe and Canada.
This exclusive event will be limited to only 100 producers, broadcasters and distributors from Europe and Canada. The event will take place at the world-famous Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa, Ontario.
“Cartoon Connection was created to initiate and establish lasting professional relationships between European producers, distributors and their counterparts,” said TAC Director Azarin Sohrabkhani. “It’s a necessary first step in fostering a deeper understanding about the Canadian and European animation markets. In addition, it is a great way to showcase innovative, Canadian animation projects and to encourage the Canadian industry’s growth in the European market.”
Through formal presentations, panel discussions, case studies and one-on-one meetings, Cartoon Connection offers animation delegates a variety of forums to obtain practical knowledge for use in the development, production and distribution of animation films. Cartoon Connection also gives Canadian delegates the opportunity to present their animation projects to European producers. The objectives of the presentations are to generate interest in the European market and to initiate co-productions.
Canadian producers must apply in order to take part. Applicants should have at least one animation feature, series or major project completed.
For more information about Cartoon Connection or TAC and to get an application form, phone: (613) 232-8769 or e-mail:
About TACTAC (Television Animation Conference) is Canada's only animation business forum designed for professionals in content creation, development, production, distribution and marketing. TAC brings together key players in North America and international markets and provides a forum for active networking, practical information exchange and trade in a comfortable and intimate environment. TAC 2010 will be held October 20 and 21 at the Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa, Ontario. For more information, please visit:
About Ottawa International Animation FestivalThe Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) is one of the world’s leading animation events providing first-class screenings, exhibits, workshops and entertainment since 1976. The annual five-day event brings art, industry and inspiration together in a vibrant setting. As the largest event in North America, the OIAF attracts more than 27,000 film buffs, art lovers, filmmakers, and cartoon fans from around the world. OIAF 2010 will be held from October 20 to 24 at various venues in Ottawa, Ontario. For more information, please visit: About CARTOONCartoon is an international non-profit association based in Brussels. Cartoon’s mandate is to support the European animation industry. For more than 20 years, it has received financial support from the MEDIA Program of the European Union to run its activities. The activities concentrate on four areas: Cartoon Connection, Cartoon Forum, Cartoon Masters and Cartoon Movies. For more information, please