Cartoon debuted two original interactive on-line cartoon series on February 22. As each cartoon unfolds, users can make choices about which direction the story will take. PINK DONKEY AND FLY, created by pop culture icon Gary Panter, is the unlikely love story between a pink donkey and a fly as they try to keep clear of The Ol' Coot and his troublesome wife, Maw. B. Happy, from renowned underground satirist Mark Newgarden, follows the bluebird of happiness, B. Happy, who wants to rid the world of misery. Cartoon Network hopes to use these Web Premiere Toons as a way to test pilots and concepts for the television network. Both of these cartoons were developed by Cartoon Network Online in conjunction with New York City-based Funny Garbage, a full-service design and production company that also created the Cartoon Network website. Funny Garbage's technology expertise has been outstanding -- second only to their creative heart and soul. Together, they are the glue of Web Premiere Toons, commented Sam Register, VP and creative director of Cartoon Network Online. The network is reportedly planning to deliver five more series by next year.