Animation World Network co-founder and president OF ACME FILMWORKS RonDiamond has begun curating "animation art" to be presented on Los Angeles'Sunset View Plaza Electronic Video Billboard on the world famous SunsetStrip. The video billboard provides all Sunset Boulevard west-boundtravelers an eyeful sampled from the world's most beautiful and evocativeanimation. Premiere, featured animation filmmakers are Aleksandra Korejwo,Poland; Raimund Krumme, Germany; Susan Loughlin, United Kingdom; BillPlympton, USA and Gianluigi Toccafondo, Italy. Diamond will program newmaterial every three months to insure all travelers an ample opportunity tosee and enjoy new, different clips. Each clip is 30 seconds in length andrepresents a direct excerpt from a longer independent film. The animationis interspersed between billboard advertisements that are visible day andnight. "The purpose in selecting artistic animation clips for presentationis to meet the City of West Hollywood's mandate to offer viewers a breakfrom conventional billboard advertising. It is a fantastic way to bring tothe public's attention the work of these high powered artists and hopefullyto create new production opportunities," explains Diamond. Animatorsinterested in having their work considered for the Sunset View PlazaElectronic Billboard they should send an email to requestingan official submission form.
Check out these clips of animation playing on the Sunset Strip!