Fifteen-minute animated comedy created by and starring Bart Batchelor and Chris Nielsen makes its U.S. debut on Sunday, July 7 at midnight ET/PT.
Coworker friends forever (CFFs) and top paranormal investigators solve mysteries and supernatural crimes in the 15-minute animated comedy Psi Cops, making its U.S. debut on Sunday, July 7 at midnight ET/PT on Adult Swim.
Psi Cops was created by and stars Bart Batchelor and Chris Nielsen (Night Sweats). The series follows Kydd (Nielsen) and Felixx (Batchelor), who join a rag-tag group of experts at the secret agency Psi Cops to investigate alleged sightings of aliens, ghosts, demons, and other hocus-pocus nonsense.
Watch the new clip below:
Batchelor and Nielsen serve as executive producers alongside Robert Kirkman (Invincible, The Walking Dead), Chris Ferguson (Little Fish), Brian Kavanaugh-Jones (The Bikeriders), David Alpert (Invincible, The Walking Dead), and Catherine Winder (Invincible, Star Wars: The Clone Wars). The series was commissioned by Corus Entertainment, produced by Wind Sun Sky Entertainment and Oddfellows Labs, and is distributed by Skybound Galactic, a division of Skybound Entertainment.