ACME FILMWORKS director BILL PLYMPTON created two animatedPSAs as part of a literacy campaign sponsored by 7-Eleven. The two15-second spots will air as bumpers on the PBS series "Wishbone." Theagency was The Richards Group in Dallas, Texas, and the producer was DianaLawless. . . . New Zealand-based FLEA CIRCUS, represented in the U.S. byCURIOUS PICTURES, created a seven and four second bumper for Nickelodeon's"Toons From Planet Orange," a program showcasing animation from around theworld. The director was John Robertson and computer animation was handledby GIANT in Auckland. The bumper spots aired as promos on April 15 but theshow will premiere on Nickelodeon this summer. Stay tuned to the "AnimationFlash" for details . . . . New York-based CURIOUS PICTURES also produced aseries of commercials for the Ad Council and the Coordinated Campaign forLearning Disabilities, through the agency DDB Needham. The two 30-secondand two 15-second spots combine live-action with 3-D computer animation byDavid Kelley and Liz De Luna . . . . CURIOUS PICTURES' director Steve Oakescreated three 15-second spots for TCG Communications which combinelive-action and animation. "Balloon," "Sand Castle" and "Butterfly" usestop-motion and replacement animation as well as 2-D computer animation andmorphing. The stop-motion animator was Ellen Goldstein. . . . Boston-basedOLIVE JAR STUDIOS created stop motion animation and New York-basedMANHATTAN TRANSFER created visual effects for a 30-second spot for Saatchi& Saatchi and their client Pepperidge Farm, promoting Flavor BlastedGoldfish. The stop-motion commercial, titled "Most Wanted," was brought tolife in clay by animation director Richard Zimmerman and animator JeffSias. . . . MANHATTAN TRANSFER also created 2-D and 3-D visual effects fortwo 15-second commercials for the agency Weiss, Whitten, Stagliano andtheir client Barnes & Noble's Internet Bookstore. 3-D animator KeithStichweh utilized Softimage to create an animated globe and text for thespots, titled "Orbit" and "Asteroids.". . . .