Career Boot Camp, presented by the L.A. Chapter's of SIGGRAPH and Women in Animation, is a one-day intensive computer animation-geared event taking place Sunday, March 7 from 9-5 p.m. at the Universal Hilton in Universal City, California. The program is designed to inform people interested in breaking into the computer animation and visual effects industries. Attendees will hear from industry professionals from such companies as Industrial Light & Magic, the Walt Disney Company, Pacific Data Images (PDI), Tippett Studios, Area 51 and numerous others. The opening keynote speaker is PDI chairman and founder Carl Rosendahl. Isaac Kerlow, Director of Digital Talent, New Technology Development for the Walt Disney Company, is the luncheon speaker. In addition, a separate event - the Educator's Boot Camp - takes place on Saturday, March 6. Registration prices are $45 students, $60 members, $75 non-members. For more information or to register, contact the L.A. SIGGRAPH Chapter at (310) 288-1148 or visit