A Conference Dedicated To Looking At Enhanced TV

* Wednesday, January 24 Thursday, January 25, 2001. London, U.K.

Enhanced TV is a facet of interactive TV and this conference is set up to look at how it will change TV programming. Using Enhanced TV, viewers will be able to find out more information about programmes, vote in viewer polls, chat to fellow show fans, enter competitions or play synchronized games - enabling them to be more involved and in control of their programming. This conference will bring together all the major players in the Enhanced TV industry giving them the opportunity to learn about what has been achieved, the future of Enhanced TV services and giving you the chance to benefit from their experience in order to develop your own specific strategy. For more information contact Hannah at: Tel.: ++44(0) 207 840 2700; E-mail: hannah@access-conf.com; or Web: www.access-conf.com/TB114.

Rick DeMott's picture

Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks