Animated comedy series from Tricon Kids & Family and Wildseed Kids produced at Atomic Cartoons premieres on Disney XD and its multiple platforms on Monday, June 20.
TORONTO -- Tricon Kids & Family and Wildseed Kids have announced the sale of Counterfeit Cat to Disney XD in the U.S. The original animated comedy series will be released in the United States on Monday, June 20 (12:30 p.m., ET) on Disney XD and its multiple platforms including the Disney XD app and via video on demand.
Commissioned by Disney XD EMEA and Teletoon, Counterfeit Cat is a UK/Canada co-production between Tricon and Wildseed. Pre-production takes place at Wildseed’s Bristol studio with animation production handled by Atomic Cartoons in Vancouver. Tricon International handles global distribution and property rights management. Tricon recently launched an official website and plans to expand its online presence as Counterfeit Cat continues to roll out worldwide.
The series follows the adventures of Max and Gark. Gark is not a real cat, he’s a Counterfeit Cat. He’s a small blue alien in a purple cat costume. Max is a real cat: fat, fluffy, yellow and constantly pampered by his doting owner Betty. When Gark crashes his spaceship into Betty’s laundry room, he finds a new home and forms an unconventional friendship with Max, who quickly learns how to take advantage of Gark’s mysterious alien powers and his sweet, trusting nature. Max loves having an admirer who will do anything for him, but Gark’s extreme curiosity and lack of understanding about life on Earth push Max out of his comfort zone and into ridiculous hair-raising adventures. Whether they are just hanging out at home or zipping through space and exploring new planets, Gark’s adventurous instincts will force Max to become the hero Gark believes him to be.