Glendale, California-based animation and development studio, Creative Capers Entertainment has partnered with Dallas, Texas-based content delivery system company, Rapture Technologies, to form a new company. The 50/50 joint venture, called Digital Doorway, will be based in Glendale and focus on production and marketing of interactive gaming, entertainment and educational titles for the PC, console, hand-held and online markets. Digital Doorway management will be headed by Creative Capers founders Sue Shakespeare (CEO), Terry Shakespeare and David Molina (both executive vice presidents of creative design), and Rapture Technologies founders Doug Gillespie (president) and Jeff English (vice president of research and development). Creative Capers, which has had an exclusive development deal with Disney since 1996 (They created the game-turned-cartoon series Nightmare Ned), is maintaining its status as an independent studio. Creative Capers is currently working on game projects for Disney Interactive and co-producing two live-action TV series and a feature film with Jersey Films. Digital Doorway has not yet announced new projects.