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CTNx to Host World Premiere of Facebook’s ‘The Last Oasis’ VR Experience

Goro Fujita’s project, done entirely in Quill, is designed for the Oculus Quest wireless headset being released next year.

Highlighting their ongoing efforts to push the boundaries of VR-native creation with Quill on Rift, the Facebook Quill team today has announced their latest project, The Last Oasis, will hold its world premiere at this week’s CTN Animation Expo, coming November 15-18.  

Painted entirely in VR using Quill and completed in approximately 5 days, The Last Oasis was created by artist Goro Fujita specifically for the recently announced Oculus Quest, a new all-in-one headset from Oculus coming out next year. The innovative prototype explores how to take advantage of the free movement of all-in-one VR devices to enable viewing of room-scale Quillustrations in the future.

It's the year 2125. A man-made disaster has devastated much of the earth's ecosystem. Numerous superstorms have made North America's entire West Coast inhospitable. Ogini Orog, a brilliant scientist and one of the few survivors, has built himself a safe bunker using his wits to survive the hostile environment, looking for artifacts in order to extract and save the last remains of nature. Explore each room to uncover clues.

Quill enables artists to create directly with their hands in a virtual space, respecting unique, artistic styles without the requirement of learning a technically complex tool to bring VR stories to life for anyone to enjoy. It signals the birth of a new medium. Fujita, an art director, illustrator and visual development artist based in Northern California, graduated from The German Film School for Digital Production near Berlin in 2005, majoring in 3D animation. He worked as a freelance character animator and visual development artist for various companies in Germany before joining DreamWorks Animation in 2008.  While at the studio, he worked as a visual development artist on Merry Madagascar, Megamind, Madagascar 3, Penguins of Madagascar and Boss Baby. He left DreamWorks in 2015 and joined Oculus Story Studio in San Francisco, where he art directed the Emmy Award-winning VR experience, Henry. In 2017 he joined Facebook to work on the VR painting tool Quill and to introduce the world to art in VR.

Source: Facebook Oculus

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Dan Sarto(link sends e-mail) is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.