Cuppa Coffee Studios extended their services to Duane "Dog the Bounty Hunter" Chapman to animate a PSA to offer support. Chapman currently faces charges in Mexico due to the capture of Andrew Luster, an American felon who fled to Mexico to avoid prison. The PSA features a stop-motion Dog the Bounty Hunter encouraging viewers to lend their support by signing an online petition. A PSA endorsing a celebrity is a first for Cuppa Coffee, an outfit better known for stop-motion programming such as MTV's CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH, E! Networks' STARVEILLANCE, and THE WRONG COAST for Teletoon/Blueprint Media.
"Its an unfortunate situation that hes facing," explains Cuppa Coffee President Adam Shaheen. "When I heard the story of what happened, I wanted to offer support in some way. This seemed like the natural way to go."
The finished PSA recently aired on CNN's GLEN BECK SHOW and can also be seen on the official "Dog" website at