Workstation vendor Dell launched its Dell PrecisionM6400 Covet Thursday. A highly anticipated model joining the Dell Precision M6400 mobile workstation launched last month, the M6400 Covet is housed in a one-of-a-kind Vibrant Orange chassis and comes standard with edge-to-edge glass RGB LED display.
Revolutionizing mobile workstations performance with ISV-certification up to 16GB of on-board memory, the beautifully designed M6400 Covet is ideal for artists in the media and entertainment field who have long awaited a mobile workstation that fits seamlessly into their lifestyle and aesthetic.
Dell Precision M6400 Covet is a next-generation 17-inch mobile workstation housed in a Vibrant Orange chassis with standard edge-to-edge glass RGB LED display. Supports up to 16GB of RAM, a 1 GB graphics card, Intel Core 2 Duo Quad-Core QX9300 Extreme Edition quad-core processor, featuring 4 memory slots and RAID capability with up to a terabyte of storage on two drives. This doubles the amount of memory and processor cores, and triples the storage available on Lenovo and HP mobile workstations today.
The Dell Precision M6400 Covet joins the M6400 introduced last month, featuring an anodized aluminum chassis. Both are compatible with all accessories for the new Dell Latitude E-Family.
Dell Precision M6400 Covet is available now starting at $3,899.