Di-O-Matic, a leading developer of character animation software, released the new version of Facial Studio (3ds max edition).
Offering more than 500 controls covering the entire creation process of a 3d head, Facial Studio is for far more than just modelling, it's a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help you achieve better facial animation results in less time than ever before.
All of this, directly within 3ds max. From modelling to muscle-based deformations, including texture map libraries and everything in between: Facial Studio does it all with its intuitive interface that will have you creating amazing heads in only minutes.
In addition to fully supporting the latest versions of 3ds max (2008 and 2009) in both 32 bit and 64 bit, Facial Studio (3ds max edition) v2 sports many new features including:
-- New and Improved shapes and proportions for the default head-- Improved deformations including gender, ethnicity and phonemes-- Additional facial deformations-- Automatic Voice-O-Matic configuration, making lip-synching a Facial Studio head a breeze.
To learn more about Facial Studio (3ds max edition) or to download a trial version visit: www.di-o-matic.com.
Facial Studio (3ds max edition) v2 suggested retail price is $699. It is currently available from the Di-O-Matic online web store at www.di-o-matic.com as well as through Di-O-Matic worldwide distributors and resellers.
Registered users of Facial Studio (3ds max edition) v1.5 only need to subscribe to the Premium+ Support Package, listed at only $99, to gain access to this new version.
Since 2000, Di-O-Matic has developed high-end character animation software. The most renowned CG characters including Batman, Spider-Man, SpongeBob SquarePants and many more rely on technologies developed by Di-O-Matic to entertain audience worldwide. Di-O-Matic clients include: Activision, Boeing, Blur Studio, Blizzard, Capcom, Disney, RockStar Games, Virgin Lands, Snowblind Studios, SEGA and Ubisoft.
Visit the Di-O-Matic website at www.di-o-matic.com.