Pune, India-based animation house Digikore Studios Ltd looks to acquire an equity stake in a 2D animated TV series, reported IndianTelevision.com. This deal is part of a larger co-production agreement the company entered with New Zealand's Gtoyz Management Co. earlier this year. As part of that agreement, Digikore and Gtoyz will produce a 2D TV series as well as a 95-minute feature film. Digikore is looking for a credible Indian production firm with a project that attracts solid pre-sales. The studio hopes to aid the co-production partner in selling the series to international markets.
Digikore Studios director-operations Abhishek More told IndianTelevision, "We are already in talks with some producers and are looking at investing in three to four projects starting in 2004/2005. Producer's history, potential of the project and pre-sales are the three most important factors. Based on these factors Digikore will decide whether to take up the complete cost of animation or a part of the animation,"
In addition, Digikore is offering interest free credit facilities for producers who want to work on a pure service basis. Part of the payment will be made prior the production start and the balance after completion and delivery. "This is a great option for producers, since they do not lose out on precious equity in their project and also have a long credit facility at no interest cost," said More.
As part of the deal with Gtoyz, Digikore will get $5 million plus 15% commission on the television sales and 20% of the theatrical revenue on the feature film.
As part of the Growel Group, Digikore Studios Ltd. co-produces 2D and 3D animated feature films and TV series and operates at a 2D and 3D animation training school. For more information, contact the studio at 410/2 Bombay Pune Road, Dapodi, Pune - 411012, India; tel.: 91 - 20 - 7146685 / 91; fax: 91 - 20 4001755; or e-mail: info@digikore.com.