For Robert Townes ASK THE DUST (opening Friday), the filmmakers were required to recreate Depression-era L.A. in sunny Cape Town, South Africa.
For Robert Townes ASK THE DUST (opening Friday), the filmmakers were required to recreate Depression-era L.A. in sunny Cape Town, South Africa. This necessitated a fair amount of digital matte painting and other vfx work, including a CG Angels Flight funicular railway in the downtown district. Leslie Iwerks gets a fascinating report from visual effects supervisor David Drzewiecki and computer graphics supervisor Neil Atkins. Meanwhile, Tara Dilullo explores Tippett Studios 3D work on Disneys remake of THE SHAGGY DOG (also opening Friday). And Fred Galpern reviews After Effects 7.0 with a rundown on the latest features.
Bill DesowitzEditor