Digital Musings From the Editor:

VES 2004, held last weekend in beautiful San Rafael, California, was a sheer delight. The sixth annual festival of the Visual Effects Society, in which the baton was symbolically passed from founder Tom Atkin to new executive director Eric Roth, offered the latest in vfx creativity and technology (Mars and MYTHBUSTERS were two favorites). But the buzz was all about how games are catching up to movies in vfx quality, which is now being stressed in schools, the inevitable acceptance of outsourcing and the need to unionize.

Speaking of schools, this month VFXWorld focuses on education and jobs. The Pixel Priestess addresses the need to stress artistry in her latest column, and Mark Ramshaw speaks to Seamus Morley at Techimage in the U.K. about nurturing new talent. Finally, we unveil our first production diary, an inside look by production designer Alex McDowell at THE TERMINAL's innovative 3D design and construction work.

Bill DesowitzEditor

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.
