Finally, SKY CAPTAIN AND THE WORLD OF TOMORROW opens this Friday, after all the buzz about the vintage look and CGI wonder. As many of you are already aware, it boasts the most elaborate bluescreen compositing work ever done for a feature, containing some 2,000 shots, nearly half of which was outsourced to more than a dozen vfx studios. Will its sweet and innocent retro vibe catch on? Or will it polarize people like MOULIN ROUGE with its accent on artifice? In the meantime, VFXWORLD has an in-depth Q&A later this week with Kerry Conran, the first-time writer-director of SKY CAPTAIN, who also gives us a sneak peek at his next film, Edgar Rice Burroughs' A PRINCESS OF MARS.
Also, Alain Bielik talks with the vfx wizards behind RESIDENT EVIL: THE APOCALYPSE, and Jeremy Cantor and Pepe Valencia move into character development and design in their latest excerpt from INSPIRED 3D SHORT FILM PRODUCTION.
Bill DesowitzEditor