Digital Musings From the Editor:

A few years ago, 3D animator Justin Leach shared his experiences in Japan at Production I.G with AWN. That was prior to his involvement on the recently released GHOST IN THE SHELL 2: INNOCENCE. Now he returns with excerpts from his personal production diary about working on the acclaimed anime, which VFXWORLD is pleased to bring its readers.

Meanwhile, in a VFXWORLD exclusive, we spoke to ILMs Paul Hill and Henry Preston about their CGI work for the new George Lucas directors cut of THX 1138 on DVD. And later in the week, Ellen Wolff chats with Sony Imageworks president Tim Sarnoff about its growing 3D global presence and commitment to performance capture that is the mainstay of THE POLAR EXPRESS.

Bill DesowitzEditor

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.
