Digital-Tutors Offers Creating Digital Humans Series for Maya

Digital-Tutors introduced the CREATING DIGITAL HUMANS SERIES, a four-part collection of training and the latest release in a growing library of interactive training for emerging digital artists using Autodesk Maya. The series provides more than 20 hours of project-based training and guides artists through the technical and artistic processes of creating digital humans for use in film and games. Artists will learn time-saving techniques for organic modeling and establishing anatomical volume and musculature, refining topology and strategically adding details, alternative methods for UV mapping and texturing and fundamental concepts for photorealistic rendering with mental ray.

CREATING DIGITAL HUMANS 1: VOLUME AND MUSCLE Highlights include: polygon and subdivisional modeling techniques, anatomical structure, anatomy concepts, primitive modeling, blocking-in form, establishing volume, organizing topology, creating edge flow, adding muscle structure, evaluating proportions, modeling to photographic reference, re-routing edge loops, strategic use of edge loops, symmetrical modeling and connecting geometry.

CREATING DIGITAL HUMANS 2: DEFINITION AND DETAIL Highlights include: polygon and subdivisional modeling, anatomical structure, anatomy concepts, creating believable likeness, refining edge flow, strategic use of small detail, hair construction using curves, sculpting geometry, muscle definition and flow, matching facial features and characteristics, localizing detail, detailing hands and feet, adding wrinkles to skin, adding asymmetrical details, matching photographic reference, creating eyeball geometry, problem-solving common geometry concerns and optimizing geometry for UV mapping and texturing process.

CREATING DIGITAL HUMANS 3: UV AND TEXTURE MAPPING Highlights include: making resolution considerations, using UVLayout from Headus, UV layout in Maya, UV snapshot, using reference images as texture base, blending multiple images seamlessly, warping textures to fit UV layout, color correcting texture sections, blending seams, blending between multiple maps, texturing NURBS surfaces, adding realism to hair with transparency maps, creating procedural eyes, creating eyelashes with transparency, troubleshooting common UV concerns and moving details with Photoshop tools.

CREATING DIGITAL HUMANS 4: SHADING AND RENDERING Highlights include: fast skin shader in mental ray, sub-surface scattering techniques, generating sub-dermal maps, generating epidermal maps, creating shading networks, adding bump maps, adding specularity, scene maintenance, creating hair strands with Paint Effects, adding digital makeup, creating lighting setups and understanding the effects of light on skin.

For a full outline and pricing information visit:

A trailer can be seen directly at:

Digital-Tutors ( is an innovator and leader in video-based training for emerging digital artists. Digital-Tutors maintains strategic relationships and partnerships with Autodesk, Softimage, Pixar, Next Limit, Skymatter, Pixologic and Adobe in the development of the software and education materials.

Rick DeMott's picture

Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
