WALT DISNEY INTERNATIONAL-LATIN AMERICA gets 11 new executives to helpDiego Lerner, president and managing director of Walt DisneyInternational-Latin America, increase the business opportunities for Disneyin Latin America. The new structure for Disney Latin America will consistsof four territory offices. Walt Disney International-Argentina, based inBuenos Aires, will handle Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay and be headed byLerner. Walt Disney International-Andean Region, based in Santiago deChile, will handle Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela and be headby newly appointed exec JAVIER IRARRAZAVAL. The Walt DisneyInternational-Mexico region, based in Mexico D.F., will handle Mexico,Panama, Central America and the Caribbean and be helmed by MAURICIO SANUDO.Newly appointed executive, ENRICO RASTELLI will head Walt DisneyInternational-Brazil, based in Sao Paulo. Newly appointed execs CRAIGABOLT, SVP Finance/CFO; ELIZABETH BOHANNON, VP Global Licensing; CLAUDIOCHIAROMONTE, VP Business Planning; MARIA DREW, VP Human Resources; MARTINIRAOLA, VP Business & Operations; SIMON KENNY, Executive VP Broadcasting;JESSICA KNOPF, Director-Publishing; and LAURA RAMA, VP Marketing & BrandDevelopment will form the rest of the regional team.