Capitalizing on the popularity of the film’s songs, Walt Disney Animation Studios is set to release a sing-along edition of ‘Frozen’ on DVD and Digital this November.
Walt Disney Animation Studios will release a sing-along edition of Frozen on DVD and Digital this November, the company announced on Tuesday.
The Frozen sing-along edition will capitalize on the popularity of the film’s songs by including the lyrics with a bouncing snowflake at the bottom of the screen.
Disney re-released Frozen this past January as a sing-along in theaters, where it was a huge hit with fans. The home release includes an “all-new” feature titled “Breaking the Ice” as well as the sing-along and original versions of the film. The DVD edition of the movie includes just one disc. There is no Blu-ray release at this time.
The Frozen: Sing-Along Edition will hit store shelves on November 18, 2014.
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios