* Don Bluth's ToonUp Animation Seminar: Saturday, October 27 - Sunday, October 28, 2001, San Francisco, California USA.Entry Deadline: Saturday, October 27, 2001
The cornerstone to animation success is your ability to get your ideas onto paper, or onto the computer screen. Join Don Bluth and Gary Goldman at one of their in depth animation seminars in Toronto, September 15 - 16 or in San Francisco, October 27 - 28, 2001. Topics will include: Day 1: drawing, character design and animation; Day 2: storyboard, actiong and directing. There will be lots of demonstrations of how to get your skill level up. The 2-day seminar will be held from 10 am to 3 pm (lunch provided) and will be followed by Q&A's. Tuition is $400. Student discounts and group rates available. Limited tickets available. For more information, contact: Aimee Monahan at Don Bluth's ToonTalk Inc, 3416 S. 48th St, Suite 2, Phoenix, AZ 85040, USA; Tel.: (888) 363-8343; Fax: (480) 967-6410; Email: aimee@donbluth.com; Web: http://www.donbluth.com/toonup.html