Don't miss this rare screening of experimental animation!

Dr. William Moritz, noted authority on experimental animation and visualmusic, will introduce a selection of 16mm and 35mm films from TheiotaCenter's collection of experimental and abstract films. The programincludes: a hand-painted film record from 1903 of a dance by visual musicartist, Loïe Fuller, the darling of Paris' Folies Bergère, a film record ofCharles Dockum performing live on the visual music instrument he inventedin 1939, the Dockum Mobilcolor Projector, HIGH VOLTAGE by James Whitney andALLURES by Jordan Belson, a rare presentation in 35mm of Oskar Fischinger'stour de force from 1937, OPTICAL POEM, IN THE NIGHT by Walther Ruttman,FURIES by Sara Petty, FILM #11 by Harry Smith, COME CLOSER by Hy Hirsh,FREE RADICALS by Len Lye, CELERY STALKS AT MIDNIGHT by John Whitney, Sr.,STARS AND STRIPES by Norman McLaren, SILENCE by Jules Engel, 3/78 by LarryCuba, BEETHOVEN MACHINERY by David Brody, IMPRESSIONS IN THE UPPERATMOSPHERE by José Antonio Sistiaga, ALGORITHM by Bärbel Neubauer, BUBBLESby Karel Dodal, and STUDY # 6 by Oskar Fischinger. The program takes placeon Saturday, August 14, 11 am in Santa Monica, California, USA at theLaemmle Theatre, Monica 4-Plex, 1332 2nd Street. Admission is free, butreservations are required. E-mail or call The iotaCenter with your name andthe number of seats you need. E-mail: or call (310)842 8704.
