This year, SIGGRAPH '99, the International Conference on Computer Graphicsand Interactive Techniques, is being held in downtown Los Angeles at theL.A. Convention Center. The conference program will include papers, panels,courses, sketches, and applications. The event will also include ananimation festival; art gallery: technOasis; Emerging Technologies: TheMillennium Motel; Creative Applications Lab: The Digital Cafe; and TheStudio showcasing the latest implementations of technology. The ElectronicSchoolhouse will focus on computer graphics and interactive technologyeducation. AWN will be there! In addition to the conference, the event willinclude the world's largest exhibition of computer graphics and interactiveproducts and services. SIGGRAPH takes place Sunday, August 8 - Friday,August 13 in Los Angeles, California, USA. For more information
The August issue of Animation World Magazine features four articlespreviewing this year's SIGGRAPH:
"The SIGGRAPH '99 Exhibition: Summer of Sim" by Eric Huelsman:
"I Screen, You Screen, We All Screen: Animation at SIGGRAPH '99" byKellie-Bea Cooper:
"The Story of Computer Animation Set to Open SIGGRAPH" by Maureen Furniss:
"But Wait! There's More at SIGGRAPH '99" by Jennifer Champagne: