For the recent Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film, five teams each consisting of two members, developed an animated film within 48 hours. Top honors were given to DIXIE TRIXI, a short film directed by DUCK's Kompost.
Each team used the same character, Trixi, the festival's mascot to tell a short story between :30 seconds and 2 minutes. Animation students from international film schools, as well as independent animators and producers, 30 years or younger qualified for participation.
The Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (5-10 May 2009) was founded in 1982 and is one of the biggest and most important festivals of animation film worldwide. An amount of 52,500 euros prize money in total is awarded in seven competition categories. The Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film works in close relation with fmx/09, Europe's biggest conference on animation, effects, games and digital media.
Directed by: Kompost (Oliver Conrad and Gian Klainguit) of DUCK.