e-on Ships Vue 11 xStream, Vue 11 Infinite

e-on software announces the immediate availability of Vue 11 xStream and Vue 11 Infinite.

Beaverton, OR -- e-on software announced the immediate availability of Vue 11 xStream and Vue 11 Infinite, its newest Digital Nature solutions for CG Professionals.

In order to ensure a smooth transition, and to avoid order processing congestion, e-on software will be releasing the other products in the Vue 11 product line – Pioneer & Theme-packs, Frontier, Esprit, Studio and Complete – mid November 2012

Vue 11 xStream – The Integrated Solution:

Vue xStream, e-on’s flagship solution, offers CG professionals the premiere solution for creating exceptionally rich and realistic Digital Nature environments, fully immersed within Autodesk 3ds Max, Maya, and Softimage, Maxon Cinema 4D or Newtek LightWave. All Vue tools are fully integrated in the host application as menus and toolbars and directly accessible from within the host interface, providing immediate access to the most advanced 3D environment creation technologies.

Vue 11 Infinite – The Standalone Solution:

Vue Infinite offers CG professionals the premiere solution for creating exceptionally rich and realistic Digital Nature environments in a stand-alone package. Vue 10 Infinite is the ideal tool for multimedia and entertainment professionals, architects and graphics designers.

New features of Vue 11

Key features of Vue 11 include faster rendering, illumination caching, terrain and EcoPainter improvements, 360° population, interactive EcoSystem population, as well as EcoParticles, e-on software's revolutionary approach to particles:

With EcoParticles, users can do all the standard stuff that particles are good at, but they can also do a lot more. Rather than creating simple emitters, and having particles grow out of them, e-on software designed a new way of handling particles that is specifically well suited for Digital Nature.

The Vue 11 Particle system is a direct extension of the production proven EcoSystem technology that is a key player in Vue’s success for the film, television, architecture, game, science, educational and entertainment industries.

Here is a shortlist of some of the important new features included in Release 11 of Vue:

  • EcoParticles: This new technology isideal for the creation of animated rain, snow, waterfalls, explosions,fire, smoke, tornadoes, falling leaves, swarm of insects and more. Anyobject can be set as a particle source (emitter).
  • EcoParticles asEcoSystems: EcoParticles are added to any material like a regular EcoSystem materiallayer. But with EcoParticles, users get in depth control over the way theparticles will evolve over time. Users can define the speed, direction,collision properties and duration of life of the particles, as well assubject them to external influences. On top of these new physicalsettings, all of the classic EcoSystem configuration parameters are usedfor particle instance population.
  • EcoParticles Effectors: Effectors are specialobjects that will influence the EcoParticles in the scene. Effects liketornadoes, jittering, attraction, etc. are easily created this way.
  • Automatic WeatherEffects - Rain and Snow: These new atmospheric effects enable artists to createanything from gentle spring rain to a tropical storm, a gentle fallingsnow to a blizzard, with just a few simple clicks. The heaviness, shape,drop size, speed and falling angle of the precipitation is usercontrollable. Motion blur can be added if desired too. Weather Effects areavailable for all types of atmospheres.
  • EcoPainter Improvements: The EcoSystem Painteris completely redesigned to allow even more control and flexibility. Userscan now create their own brushes using a combination of effectors. Forinstance, brushes that will resize and align instances at the same time.There are a number of new brush effects to boot, including the ability tolean or rotate instances, raise or lower them, move them around, etc.
  • Customizable EcoPainterBrushes: Like the brushes in the Terrain Editor, each EcoPainter brush now has itsown dialog that displays all of the parameters that can be adjusted. Ifusers want to display a specific brush parameter directly in the mainEcoPainter dialog, they can do so with a click on the correspondingPublish icon. The EcoSystem Selection function is now part of theEcoPainter. This way, users can use the select function to define the instancesto work with, directly in the EcoSystem Painter dialog. EcoSystem InstanceSelection is now also available in xStream for 3ds Max, Cinema4D andSoftimage.
  • EcoSystem FastPopulation: Thanks to a special population mode, Vue can now refresh the EcoSystempopulation interactively, without the need of any re-population action
  • EcoSystem 360°Population: Vue can now automatically populate EcoSystems from all directionsincluding below objects. This feature works on any kind of object frombasic spheres to complex geometry such as rocks, cars, houses... and allapplicable EcoSystem settings are supported.
  • Up to 30% FasterRendering Speed*: Significant internal optimizations made to Vue 11’s rendering engine willresult in dramatically accelerated rendering especially on very denseEcoSystem scenes.
  • Illumination Caching: This technology letsthe user re-use GI information over the course of an entire animation thuseliminating the need to re-render the GI pre-pass for every frame. Thiswill dramatically reduce the rendering times of Architectural animations,for instance.
  • Many other improvementssuch as Shared Material layers, Nitrous accelerated graphics core supportin 3ds Max, support for latest releases of the Autodesk 2013 products andCinema4D R14, and more...

More details on the new features are available on the product description pages at: www.e-onsoftware.com/infinite and www.e-onsoftware.com/xstream

Source: e-on software